Sunday, August 24

The Man Room

John's Man Room is coming along nicely. He has big dreams for that room. He has painted the walls a blue color (quite a dark color if you ask me, but my opinion has no bearing on the Man Room!). I'm told eventually the trim will be painted black (oh boy, I can't wait for that either {insert eye roll}). Our black couch from the living room will be going into his room once our new couch arrives. And except for when he was hanging some of his cabinets and ran a screw into an electrical wire and stopped power to half the outlets on that side of the house, I must say he has done quite a good job in getting it all painted and arranged!

1 comment:

Scatter Sunshine said...

Awesome! Can't wait to see how the Woman Room is coming along! P.S. Please don't tell Aaron that John has a whole room which he can paint, furnish and decorate however he chooses where his wife's opinion has absolutely no bearing, and especially don't tell him about that awesome gigantor t.v./monitor.