Saturday, May 16

Camping Part Deux

We went camping at Inks Lake this past weekend and had a blast! We did some fishing, hiking (ok, I didn't really go hiking, but John, Pinky & Val did), paddleboating, the boys got to swim, and of course we did alot of eating - John & Pinky are quite the excellent grillers!

1 comment:

Jeannette Young said...

High John & Stacy-you don't know me, but my Mom's maiden name is McTarnahan. I was wondering if you were Fritz's grandkids, if I may be so bold and not too personal. My name is Jeannette Young-my family visited Fritz and Joannie when we were stationed @ Luke AFB in Phoenix and lost track of them-they were very kind and gracious to us and Fritz and I had a wonderful time discussing and comparing family history. Really enjoy seeing your blog-for the first time. You can e-mail if you want to respond. My mother's name was Daryl and her Dad was Wallace "Mac" McTarnahan. Take care.