Thursday, October 8

Catching Up

So I haven't posted anything in a while, and there are a million reasons why, but I won't bore you with them! Here are a few fun things that have happened recently.

Tonight was Einstein's last Intermediate Agility class. He has done so good! He's such a handsome boy running through the tunnels and jumping over the bars. He's so fast at it too it's hard for me to keep up with him! We are going to take a few months off until the larva gets here, but I'm sure he will get to go to the advanced classes at some point in the future!

When it rained ALL day last Sunday the pond got pretty full... and I think our big turtle tried to make an escape! And of course, Tina had a great time playing in the water in the backyard!

John has been doing awesome in his Composition class. He has made high 90's on both of his papers so far! He's so smart.

I'm doing good also, my regular pants are barely fitting (buttoning them is out of the question). I'm starting to have a bit of heartburn, but it isn't nearly as bad as being sick & nauseous! We are in week 24 of 40 now. We have successfully moved the Fat Cats out of what will now be the Baby's room. So now we can paint and put new carpet in that room.

And that's about all... at least all I can remember right now!

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