Wednesday, February 10


Ally Jae has arrived! February 1, 2010 - 8 pounds, 6 ounces, 20.5 inches long

We went to the hospital around 2 am on Sunday night - contractions were three minutes apart. I was only dilated to 1 centimeter, and they kept checking and I wasn't progressing, but they admitted us anyways (thank goodness - I was in a lot of pain!) They started an epidural and pitocin, and then things moved right along. However, I got to 9.5 centimeters and stopped. Dr. thought Ally was just going to be too big, so we decided that a c-section would be best (that was the last thing I had wanted though). They got us all prepped and when they got started they realized the cord was wrapped around her neck THREE times! So a c-section was the best choice - she was delivered at 3:18pm on Monday, Feb 1st.

We came home from the hospital a few nights later on Thursday, and Ally has been a great baby! The puppies have gotten used to her, and always come to check on her anytime she makes a noise. All has gone very well! Hopefully it will go as smoothly next week when John goes back to work!

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