Saturday, March 14

Bye Bye Wedding Fish

In 2005 when we were planning our wedding, I was a bit fixated on things being white. We happened to get a new fish tank during that time and I insisted on having all white fish for it. We bought a few Snow White Cichlids and kept them for quite a while. We even had a breeding pair who had several baby fish over the years and we got to watch some of the babies grow into big fish as well. As time went on the fish passed away one by one until we only had one big white fish left. We still referred to him as our "Wedding Fish." He got to have his own tank in the kitchen when we moved to the new house, and he seemed to really like it. He was always hungry it seemed, and would come up and splash and make lots of noise to get your attention if you weren't feeding him. Looking back at the picture not too long after we got them I'm reminded of just how much he had grown in the four years we had him. Sadly, he too passed along last night. I'm really going to miss him. John assures me we will still stay married even though we don't have anymore wedding fish =)

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