Tuesday, June 10


John and I spent a few days on vacation near Tyler, Texas this past week. We had a great time, and it was definitely good to have some relaxing time before our big house move! We ate lots of good food, played shuffleboard and mini golf, and went to the Tyler Zoo also. We even rode paddle boats around for a bit. Ours seemed to be defective though... we couldn't turn right! There were two hammocks nearby - one pink and one orange. (Bet you can't guess who got which) After the paddle boat excursion, we decided to rest in the hammocks. After about 10 minutes or so, I hear a **thud** and look over to see John flat on the ground! After checking to make sure he was ok of course, it was a bit comical. And since that's about the worst thing to happen the whole trip, I'd say we did pretty well! Good Times!!

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