Thursday, June 26

We're Still Here

John & I are still alive... just very busy. That's why I haven't been as diligent about posting anything on here in a while. Both of the house closings went just as planned and we are getting settled in to the new house. The kitchen, bathrooms and main living room are fairly well complete, we just haven't hung any pictures yet and both our offices are in a great state of dissarray. The garage is still quite cluttered as well, but everything is coming along nicely (one box at a time). The puppies love the new house and the new big back yard! They just run and play all the time. I'm so proud of them, you never quite know how they will react to new situtations, but they have been the best Babies ever! And the rest of the critters are doing fine as well. We didn't lose ANY fish during the move, which I think is quite impressive. We drained the tanks down to almost empty and loaded them in the back of John's truck to transport them. It was HOT outside too that day. Actually I think we only broke three things during all the moving. The globe of my Garfield gum machine, the glass door to one of the tv stands, and a support board from our headboard came unglued. Nothing that we really needed or that can't be fixed so I'd say that's a success! I must also mention that we did have lots of good help moving. Blake, Carlos and Val were all wonderful and very dedicated to our cause. We have such good friends! Couldn't have done it with out them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hear that Blake did most of it by himself, and that he carried the fridge the whole way to the new house on his back...